It's been a very busy few weeks for Eden-designs as the start of sculpture painting season begins. I'm glad to report that there will be lots of sculpture trails to look forward to this summer and many opportunities to see my work on the streets.
The beginning of April saw me embark on the painting of two giant Ram sculptures for The Derby Ram Trail. And when I say giant, I mean GIANT! These are some of the largest sculptures I've painted so far.

Derby Museums in partnership with Wild in Art are bringing a flock of 30 colourful and unique 5ft rams on a trail around the beautiful city of Derby.
The sculpture is based on the mythical Derby Ram from the 18th Century song, which according to legend was ten yards high with enormous horns and a huge flowing fleece. It's design mirrors the stone statue by Michael Peglar which sits on the Junction of East Street and Albion Street in Deby city centre.
I was lucky enough to have two of my designs chosen for this trail.
As usual, I cannot share too much detail with you until the trail goes live, but it will definitely be worth the wait.
The first of my designs is based on the Royal Crown Derby series of animal paperweights and features lots of glorious gold paint. I use 'Liquid Metal' a range of metalic acrylic paints by Robersons which is beautifully shiny. This design has been jointly sponsored by Hanson's Auctioneers and Wild in Art and the charming Charles Hanson popped down to meet me in the studio while I was working (socially distanced of course!)
My second design was inspired by the work of Vincent Van Gogh (can you guess the pun?) I thoroughbly enjoyed painting this one as I was able to be so expressive with my paint. The colours are really vibrant and make me happy. It has been sponsored by Smith Partnership.
I can't wait to reveal the finished scupltures in full.
The trail will be running from 27 May – 22 August 2021 so put the date in your diary. We all need something to be looking forward to this summer!